La Speedmaster sur la lune ! Il y a 50 ans… (Général)

posté par Mnementh, Autan en emporte le vent, 02/08/19, 18:41
(Modifié par Mnementh le 02/08/19, 19:58)

» Merci pour cette réponse détaillée.
» Le première était bien celle d’Armstrong et non pas celle d’Aldrin .... ce
» petit coquin ...
» ;)

après une recherche exhaustive du terme "mision timer" dans la transcription de la mission, voici les deux autres occurrences :

demande de recherche d'une soluce sur le souci du mission timer bloqué

04 18 24 06 LMP (TRANQ)
Houston, Tranquility. Did you all come up with any other solution that we might try to the mission timer problem? Over.

04 18 24 27 CC
Stand by, Tranquility. We'll be back with you in just a minute.


soluce: nous voulions laisser refroidir l'appareil, essayez maintenant... et ça fonctionne :cool:

04 18 28 19 CC
Roger. On your mission timer, we wanted to pull the circuit breaker and let it cool down for an hour and a half to 2 hours. I believe the breaker is currently open. It has been off, so go ahead and reset the mission timer circuit breaker. Put the timer control to RESET and hold it in RESET for 30 seconds, and then slew it to your desired settings left to right, and place the timer control to START. Over.

04 18 29 04 LMP (TRANQ)
Okay. We'll try it.

04 18 29 55 CDR (TRANQ)
Houston, our mission timer seems to be slewing okay. You want to give us a time hack? Or can we get it off the CMC LGC, I mean?

04 18 30 23 CC
Roger, Tranquility. I'll give you a time hack at 114 31 00. It's about 30 seconds from now. Over.

04 18 30 51 CC
Stand by for a Mark at 114 31.

(GOSS NET 1) Tape 74/3 Page 425

04 18 30 52 LMP (TRANQ)
Okay. ... you.

04 18 30 57 CC
Stand by.

04 18 31 00 CC

04 18 31 14 CC
Tranquility, this is Houston. Did you copy my Mark at 114 31?

04 18 31 22 CDR (TRANQ)
Roger. Thank you, and our mission timer is running now.

04 18 31 27 CC
Roger. Very good. And, I've got a consumables update for you if you're ready to copy or listen. Over.


et voilà qui devrait mettre fin aux contes et légendes...

par contre, Buzz a réellement stoppé son chrono:

04 15 34 43 LMP (EVA)
I think my watch stopped, Neil.

04 15 34 47 CDR (EVA)
Did it?

04 15 35 01 LMP (EVA)
No, it didn't either. Second hand.

ben oui, ça a tout dû se mélanger dans sa tête... :lol:

edith : vu comment elle était fixée à son bras...


Rien ne va de soi...

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