Watch Me !

04/09/13, 16:04

Not wearing a watch is the new Patek. (Général)

Extrait de l'article "The Unauthorized Rules Of How To Dress At Goldman Sach",

Le paragraphe dédié aux montres est savoureux (le reste aussi) :


I saw an Associate get picked off for sporting a new Daytona the week before bonus. A quick "if you want watches to matter, go work at Morgan Stanley" wiped that smirk right off his face.

#1: Wearing a Rolex is like driving an Audi. It says you've got some money, but nothing to say.

Thanks to Hank Paulson, Nike running watches and Livestrong bracelets were to 2004 what Lloyd's stubble beard has been to 2012-13. There are quite a few senior guys that still wear a Nike sport watch, intentionally, or even no watch at all.

#1: Not wearing a watch is the new Patek.

Forget all about Hublot. It’s a great way to tell people that you’re an idiot who has more money than taste. Hublot was a second-rate brand with third-rate craftsmanship until about 15 years ago when they arbitrarily doubled the price and started paying celebrities and sport figures to wear them. It's been a marketers wet dream.

#1: Hublot put the ‘whore’ in ‘horology’

Read more:

Page d'accueildigne-les-bains,
04/09/13, 17:29

@ Watch Me !

Not wearing a watch is the new Patek.

Le paragraphe dédié aux montres est savoureux (le reste aussi) :

Sûrement, mais des nunances m'échappent, je ne suis pas complètement polyglotte ;-)



04/09/13, 17:38

@ Watch Me !

Not wearing a watch is the new Patek.

Ca me rappelle ce savoureux roman de Bret Easton Ellis "American Psycho" qui fait la part belle au culte de l'apparence de ces golden boys.
Je ne saurais que trop le conseiller d'ailleurs. :-)


04/09/13, 20:37

@ Gargamel

Ces passages marchent fort sur Facebook en ce moment

» Ca me rappelle ce savoureux roman de Bret Easton Ellis "American Psycho"
» qui fait la part belle au culte de l'apparence de ces golden boys.
» Je ne saurais que trop le conseiller d'ailleurs. :-)

J'avais posté ce bashing sur mon Facebook et en réponse à des commentaires, je citais notamment BEE et son fabuleux American Psycho sur le thème que tu développes. Bien vu !

Le passage sur Hublot est absolument sublime !

P.S. 1 : je précise que j'ai des Rolos mais que je ne roule pas en Audi. Ouf, je m'en sors limite :yes:
P.S. 2 : j'affirme haut et fort que jamais, oh grand jamais, personne ne me verra en Hublot :no:


04/09/13, 20:43

@ Invité.

Ces passages marchent fort sur Facebook en ce moment

ne jamais dire jamais :)

la quote sur Patek est encore plus intéressante


Autan en emporte le vent,
04/09/13, 18:00

@ Watch Me !

Yaissse !

» Forget all about Hublot. It’s a great way to tell people that you’re an
» idiot who has more money than taste. Hublot was a second-rate brand with
» third-rate craftsmanship until about 15 years ago when they arbitrarily
» doubled the price and started paying celebrities and sport figures to wear
» them. It's been a marketers wet dream.
» #1: Hublot put the ‘whore’ in ‘horology’

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Rien ne va de soi...

domingo chavez
04/09/13, 18:58

@ Mnementh

Yaissse !

C'est vrai que ce passage est savoureux. :-D


05/09/13, 13:35

@ Watch Me !

Not wearing a watch is the new Patek.

Donc ils n'aiment par rolex chez GS.
Parfait, je n'aime pas GS.

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